Introducing Policy & Research

As you may have noticed in our last post, CBCMA has some strong opinions about how HUD and the other governmental authorities should fit and function in our industry. While sustainable housing is our mission, it is critical that law makers, legislatures, and others provide critical guidance and support to programs like ours.

Through the past 3 years of our tenure, our executive team has researched and publicly commented on many pieces of policy and legislation, and have been participants in the rule making process. As we work towards our goal of sustainable homeownership, it is our secondary mission to join together with legislature and other governmental authorities to make and be the change needed in this industry.

In effort to make our position even more transparent to those who we work with, we’ve created a Policy & Research section here on our site.

Policy & Research

This section will include:

  • Op-Ed pieces that we’ve published
  • Articles from our executive leadership
  • Upcoming events and ways to participate in the housing conversation

We are excited to publish our first piece in this section today titled: HUD’s Rulemaking On DPA:  A Better Way For HUD to Manage Government DPA.

Contrary to the Trump administration’s policy of reducing regulation, HUD’s most recent regulatory plan proposes increased regulation on government-provided DPA, regulation that will prove most harmful to minorities and low-income brackets—the exact groups that DPA has previously been most helpful for. In this upcoming blog post, CBCMA President Richard Ferguson and CBCMA Vice President Michael Whipple break down the problems with HUD’s proposed plan and provide a better solution. This upcoming blog post is a call to everyone in the mortgage industry, particularly those invested in serving the underserved; promoting an open, competitive market; and supporting data-driven policy.

You can find this and all other policy and research pieces here on our website.

The post Introducing Policy & Research appeared first on Chenoa Fund – Down Payment Assistance.